Russell Simmons & Rick Rubin Pt. 4 Noisey Raps

In the final segment, Russell Simmons and Rick Rubin riff on the birth of Slick Rick and what he meant to Def Jam, reflecting on the early days. They explain his indefinable charisma and how they knew immediately they needed to work with him.

  • kushlap

    NOISEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We demand you make more Russell and Rick vids…don’t you dare cut us off like this…lol.

  • Golden Heart

    we need more, these are far too short!

  • Michael

    Slick rick was badass children story had been huge !!! I never got the whole eye patch tho

    • Willie

      I really like Slick Rick and his whole style.

  • HalBDodgen

    It’s so great to see they are still friends