Why He Didn’t Clap Back Sooner Vlad TV

Ja Rule sat down with VladTV and broke down exactly why he didn’t respond to 50 Cent’s taunts the way he wanted to back when the two Queens rappers had serious beef in the early 2000s.


    ja is still seein 50 in his dreams.. nightmares.

  • dick

    lol ja

  • Devane

    vlad is a smooth criminal


    omg ja rule

  • scene GIRL

    theres always 2 sides 2 da story

    ~scene girl~

    • steeeeeeeve

      who’s still scene in 2014?

  • steeeeeeeve

    ja fell victim to the 50 cent treatment most rappers don’t make it out alive


    ja could talk his way out of a wet blanket