Dear White People Roadside Attractions

A satire that follows the stories of four black students at an Ivy League college where a riot breaks out over a popular ‘African American’ themed party thrown by white students. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, the film explores racial identity in ‘post-racial’ America while weaving a universal story of forging one’s unique path in the world.

  • miss lips

    this is a crazy story ima watch it 4sho

  • http:/ bron bron bby

    the title is crossing the line i think

    • steeeeeeeve

      seeing what you mean here, pretty hypocritical

    • GaryAScheidt

      I don’t think so if you’re open minded

  • whisperinghurry

    dear black people how does that sound?

  • ShotCaller200

    love what this movie is bringing up

    • http:/ 1 LAST CHANCE

      yeah gonna be pretty good i think

  • Jameson

    seems a little exaggerated but racism is still a problem

  • Mary

    seriously need to see this omg

  • HalBDodgen

    With a title like Dear White People how are they supposed to successfully help end racism..???

  • Paul_T

    i really want to watch this movie.. many can relate

  • IanAHood

    racist people can learn from this movie.

  • Skeeter

    sounds like a deep movie

  • DAnderson

    concept is interesting

  • DHaywood

    great movie for this day and age