What Ever Happened To Hip Hop Sonali Aggarwal

This documentary presents views from hip hop founders, contributors, and artists in an attempt to return its audience to the four principles: Peace, Love, Unity, and Having Fun.

  • OliverH

    some real hip hop shit


    hip hop has changed A LOT

    • -TRIPPIN-

      it’s gotten better in some ways worse in others

  • mysteryman

    Mainstream media is to blame.

  • fierce warrior

    hiphop is always evolving

    • http:/youtube.com/officialmartymondays amusedunite

      always that’s what peole just dont’ understand!!!

  • JeffreyJ

    hip hop is so many different things rn

  • EmileeNherWeed

    its doing so good rn

  • IanAHood

    its like it aint een hip hop anymore